DP - SM Sheet Forming — VE Optics, Inc.

sheet Metal forming

The sheet metal forming process is a process of transforming sheet metal into a different shape without fracture or excessive thinning of the material. In order that the stamping process to be executed effectively, a variety of tests needs to be conducted to measure the strain of deformation.

VE Optics DP – SM Sheet Forming measures the deformation strain and forming limit calculation of sheet metal. In addition, it features:

·        Measurement of the critical deformation of the site, to solve complex forming problems

·        Optimizes the stamping process with stamping die inspection

·        Simulates calculation results to verify and optimize

·        Enhances the users understanding of the product development stage sheet forming process

·        Verifies the calculation results of the existing forming simulation software

·        Optimizes and monitors the production process

·        Improves efficiency and accuracy of CAE System by Fast 3D Deformation Analysis




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